Monday, June 28, 2010

Real World..uugghh

I got a job (yay) and I start training to tomorrow (booo). I am very happy I get to leave this house tomorrow. I was about to go crazy in this house! I have cut ties with almost every friend I had. I simply don’t have time for BS! I am a go getter and I don’t like sitting on my ass doing nothing. My friends are the COMPLETE opposite. Last year was my first year in college and boy was it GREAT. I wasn’t on my grind like I should’ve been, because of my no good friends. See people hate when you do better than them. Instead of them encouraging me to do good in school, they just said forget school. I can walk alone in this big world; even though, my biggest fear is being alone. I don’t see me being successful if I keep this dead weight (no good friends) attached to my hip. I can’t blame them for all of my wrong doings because I have a brain too and I do share some fault. My sister and teachers have been telling me since I was little Miss Williams you are force to be reckoned with when you put your mind into something. So next year I’m going to be focus and do WHATEVER I have to do to succeed. I hate disappointing my sister because she is my biggest fan, my backbone, my one cheerleader in the stand, my protector, counselor, and my piece of mind. I sometimes wish I could go back in history and take back some of the bad things I’ve done to her. I wish I could make her proud just like she makes me proud everyday despite everything she’s gone through, she is a hard worker and I envy her. I wish I could have her strength to keep pushing on. I use to hate living in her shadow and being compared to her, but now I feel so flattered when people do it, even when people say we look alike (lol). But changing the subject I have goal list this summer !!!!


Get my car fixed

Get my car insured

Get a credit card

Lose 20 pounds

It’s a very short list, but it’s a start Roman wasn’t built in a day you know !!!

1 comment:

  1. Having a short goal list isn't bad. It makes it easier for you to zero in on things that aren't important. Once you conquer those goals you can set more and etc... I need to lose 20 lbs too. I just need a plan asap. I keep failing. What to do what to do?

    & I think that you need friends though. Isolation makes it hard for you to reenter the world of ppl bc u get so used to being alone. I just say you should select better friends that you have things in common with & can be a positive influence in your life.
